Good, Bad, I haven't met the movie I can't watch.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Crippled Creek (2005)

Crippled Creek
Director- Hans Hartman
Starring- Ashley Totin, Jennifer Jules Hart, Evy Lutsky

Three best friends take off on a camping trip to a family cabin deep in Connecticut woods. They are warned by a forest ranger of a hermit living in the area, and early on run into to two guys--I'll call them Dumbass 1 and Dumbass 2. The guys act like obnoxious college guys and practically fumble over eachother trying to get the girls. Eventually, they come into brief contact with the hermit, ignore his warning to leave, and two of their group turn up missing. After some searching, some fighting amongst eachother, and more searching, Dumbass 2 reveals himself to be an overbearing jackass in times of stress before getting his lights put out by one of the girls.

They find the missing couple, strung up and dead. Panic ensues, Dumbass 2 screams to the woods for a confrontation. His request is granted, and when the hermit is done with him, he proceeds to take out another of the girls. As he finds the third girl, the hermit is confronted by the forest ranger and challenged for possession of her. The girl gets the upper-hand, and the movie ends on a pretty supernatural note.

I could forgive the shitty music being played throughout. I could forgive the interactions between the girls and guys resembling porn intros but not following through. I can forgive the supernatural ending despite the fact that this story is supposedly based on a real event. I can even acknowledge the honest effort put into some of the scenes. What I can NOT forgive is that this movie ran for an hour and a half, and other than a quick little kill in the beginning, there is no killing or violence until about 57 minutes in. 57 minutes out of an hour and a half! No killing! Before that, we're treated to inconsequential hermit POV's every now and then and some nudity.

Rating: This crippled effort gets 1/5 Bonedaddies.

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