Good, Bad, I haven't met the movie I can't watch.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Offensive? Not As Much As I Thought...

Director- William Hellfire, Joey Smack
Starring- William Hellfire, Joey Smack, Misty Mundae

This movie is a spoof of the Columbine High Massacre that occured just a year before--actually, it's more a spoof of high school massacres in general, with a slight focus on Columbine. We are introduced to shallow stereotypes in an average high school--the over-masculine jocks who make fun of the meek, the popular (possibly slutty) girl who looks down her nose at unpopulars, the over-religious girl pushing her beliefs down your throat, the muscle car greasemonkey that doesn't want you to touch his piece of shit car, the white-hating black guy, the overly-sympathetic-to-those-who-are-"different" goths, and the two neo-nazi main characters, cloaked in trench coats and interested in things like guns and Hitler.
I didn't care for the portrayal of the goths as "understanding". Frankly, I myself got into goth culture when I was younger, and I took some things into adulthood with me--thinking I was unique or different becuase I wore a black trenchcoat was NOT one of them.
Acting was bad, but not horrendous. Special effects were low-budget, but actually pretty creatively maneuvered--especially when the gun violence begins.
I did like how the movie spoofs the influence of music, also how it plays with the concepts that the parents do have something to do with how the kids turn out--though by teenage years, that parental influence has obviously become limited.
All in all it wasn't quite as offensive as I thought it would be--then again, I viewed it a full ten years after the massacre, so maybe that factors in significantly. Also, I was pleasantly surprised to see Misty Mundae in an earlier role. I've seen her in quite a few low-budget indies--she's a great actress who's never afraid of a nude scene--her role in Sinful was disturbing and awesome.

Rating: I give this one a generous 3/5 Bonedaddies.

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